Thursday, 29 October 2015

Blogitapaaminen Lankamaailma Nordiassa

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Sain kutsun Lankamaailma Nordian järjestämään blogitapaamiseen, joka järjestettiin eilen illalla Oulunkylässä. Tämä oli minun ensimmäinen blogitapaaminen ja hauskaa oli! Olipa mukavaa tavata muita bloggaajia ja tutustua moniin uusiin blogeihin.

Olen käynyt Lankamaailmassa useamman kerran, mutta heti kun astuin tällä kertaa ovesta sisään, huomasin muutoksen. Langat olivat löytäneet uuden järjestyksen sateenkaaren värien mukaisesti. Toki eri kuidut ja lankalaadut ovat edelleenkin omissa ryhmissään, mutta ryhmän keskeinen järjestys perustuu väreihin.

Syy tälle mullistukselle selvisi kun kehityspäälikkö ja väriterapeutti Merja Lieppinen piti meille lyhyen luennon värien merkityksistä. Tiesitkö sinä, että sininen väri rauhoittaa ja on hyvä väri esimerkiksi makuuhuoneeseen? Tai jos kaipaat piristystä päivään, kannattaa pukeutua keltaiseen tai oranssiin?

Lankamaailman runsaus ja värien kaunis järjestys antoi kyllä todellisen piristysruiskeen tähän syksyyn. Olipa ihanaa vain istua siellä neuloen, nauttien värien paljoudesta ja hypistellen ihania, pehmeitä lankoja. Siinä samalla unohtui pieni nuhanenäkin!

Markkinointipäälikkö Elina Urmas esitteli meille lisäksi syksyn uutuuslankoja, joista itseäni ehkä eniten kiehtoi villa-nokkos sekoitelanka. Ihanan pehmeä mutta samalla kestävän tuntuinen. Myös merinovilla-puuvillasekoite vaikutti lupaavalta.

Ja voi sitä onnea, kun saimme kaikki myös omat lahjakassimme, joiden uumenista löytyi vaikka mitä! Muun muassa niitä himoitsemiani uutuuslankoja, ja sattumalta vielä ihan minun väreissäni! Ja tarttuihan sieltä kaupasta myös muutakin mukaan, vaikkei ehkä lankavaraston takia olisi pitänyt...

Iso kiitos vielä Lankamaailmalle tämän tapahtuman järjestämisestä! Kevällä nähdään! :)

Last night I was invited to a meeting for bloggers at the yarnshop Lankamaailma Nordia. The shop itself is just so beautiful with all it's yarns - all arranged according to those beautiful colours! This kind of colour-therapy was just what I needed! And it was so nice to meet fellow bloggers, too!

We listened to a short lecture about the inpact of colours in our lives and in our knitting, and then some of the newcomer yarns of this autumn were introduced to us. Last but definately not least we also got a wonderful giftbag containing yarn, needles etc.! Thank you Lankamaailma for this wonderful opportunity!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


I bought a new phone and suddenly my old phone case was too small. This one is inspired by Molla Mills but is my own pattern.

Yarn: leftover cotton yarn
Hook: 3 mm
Button from Eurokangas many, many years ago

The little foot stool got a new layer of paint this year.

Monday, 19 October 2015

My soul in ochre

Now that I've actually started to like sewing, I've been sewing more and more! And after the rather OK outcome of my first take on a slightly more expensive fabric, I felt encouraged to try more!

Fabric: Soulbird from Ikasyr, in the colour ochre

This is a modified and a much better version of the Onnenlintu-dress I made earlier during the summer. I made this one slightly shorter, slightly better fitting and with simple, short sleeves and oh so useful pockets. And I love it! The fabric feels really soft and has this lovely retro look. I've washed my dress several times already and nothing has happened to the fabric nor the colour. Good quality, I'd say! And organic too, which is always a plus.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Mossy Owls vol. 2

Here's my second take on my Mossy Owl mittens. Instructions can be found here.

Pattern: my own
Yarn: Four Seasons Gründl Hot Socks Marrakesch, held double
Needles: 3 mm

It was a good idea to make the same mittens a second time. Now matter how closely you think you've read the instructions, you always find some mistakes when you read it again. But now I've corrected the mistakes I found. Feel free to tell me if you find more mistakes!

These were made as a birthday present for a friend. Hope she liked them!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Something new and something old

The worst bamboo dishcloth boom has already started to wear off, but my first try was still waiting to be born. I don't know what exactly hit me, but one day I just decided I HAVE to make one too. Just to see how it works in real life. Is it practical enough to be a permanent inhabitant in our kitchen?

Yarn: Novita Bambu
Hook 2,5 mm

A similar pattern can be found here, at the eilen tein -blog. My dishcloth is however a little bit smaller and shaped like a square. 

So far I've been quite pleased with it. I really like the idea of a sustainable, washable dishcloth. And it works just as well as the old wettex one, but this will definately last longer. It could have been still a little bit smaller, though. You have to fold it once to make it fit the faucet, but that - in it's turn - makes it dry out slower. A larger hook would also have helped the situation, but all the right sizes had mysteriously disappeared...

I also crocheted a neat, little basket for our kitchen to store pens, notes and other small stuff in. It continues the candy theme I've mentioned earlier.


There's also some other new-comers to our kitchen since the last time you saw some pictures of it. The first one is an old kitchen scale that I found at a flea market in Lohja. The other one is a bowl from the Arabia Kirsikka series I found stuffed away in my mom's kitchen. It made a perfect new fruit bowl and is even small enough to fit the window sill!

The other polkadot kitchen scale is from Clas Ohlson. Just couldn't resist it when I saw it. It was just too perfect! And that's the scale we use the most, the old vintage one is more of a decoration. The plant on the window sill is a Stevia - a natural sweetener. Have you ever tried it? I sometimes find it quite tricky to cook with but it certainly is sweet!

Last but not least: here's a cute new pepper grinder I happened to stumble over at Tiger. So now my old Maatuska (a souvenir from my trip to Moscow in 2007) has a new friend in the kitchen!