How do you know there's a cat in the house?
1) If there's a basket somewhere, the cat is most likely to be inside it.
2) If you forget that you have a ball of yarn hanging around somewhere, your appartment will sure enough look like this when you wake up in the morning:
But even so, it's still quite nice to have a fellow yarn-lover ready to help you with every knit or crochet you try to get finished. Too bad this little furry friend only came for a visit over the weekend.
Phew, only a few weeks of school left this year! I'm so looking forward to going back to work. Then, at least, I'll have time for knitting in the evenings again. Yay!
A while ago, I happened to hear that a 2-year-old boy needed some new socks and I have to admit I find it almost impossible to resist such an offer to knit something that small and quick.
Pattern: my ownYarn: Kotikulta VillainenNeedles: 2mm
As he is a boy on the very lively side, already walking and running about, I thought just a pair of woolen socks might be a little bit too slippery for him. So to remedy that, I also sewed on some pawprints in leather. Hope he won't slip and fall with these on, anymore!
I'm actually quite happy with these, although the leather was a pain in the ass to sew on... Not going to do that again very soon.
Sometimes it's quite therapeutic to knit just simple, basic socks. And sometimes it's so booooring that you really don't know how you'll ever going to finish them. Here's a pair of both:
Pattern: basic socksYarn: Austermann StepNeedles: 2 mm
My parents asked for new pairs of socks, and as we happened to be in Porvoo that day, they got to choose their own yarn in the teetee shop. The first pair (for my dad) felt so incredibly slow to knit even though I tried a different kind of triangular heel on them. But I did finish them after all and decided to have a small pause before casting on for the next ones. And I don't know if it was the pause or maybe I had just gotten used to knitting basic socks with a thin yarn or perhaps it was just my mood, but the socks for my mom felt like a really quick knit. It's funny how the same kind of knit can sometimes be so hard and so easy another time. But I guess it's something every knitter experiences sometimes?